The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology
Olivier Bonami, Gilles Boyé, Georgette Dal, Hélène Giraudo, Fiammetta Namer (editors)
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lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology
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(Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax
Language Science Press.
editor = {Bonami, Olivier and Boyé, Gilles and Dal, Georgette and Giraudo, Hélène and Namer, Fiammetta },
title = {Thelexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology: },
year = {2018},
series = {eotms},
number = {4},
address = {Berlin},
publisher = {Language Science Press}
- Martin Haspelmath
- Eitan Grossman
- Olivier Bonami
- Adrien Barbaresi
- Guohua Zhang
- Christian Döhler
- Ezekiel Tunde Bolaji
- Mario Bisiada
- Ahmet Bilal Özdemir
- Steve Pepper
- Jean Nitzke
- Guylaine Brun-Trigaud
- Valeria Quochi
- Brett Reynolds
- Kate Bellamy
- Steven Kaye
- Luigi Talamo
- Jeroen van de Weijer
- Katja Politt
- Monika Czerepowicka
- Alexandr Rosen
- Daniil Bondarenko
- Carl Börstell
- Vadim Kimmelman
- Delphine Tribout
- Barend Beekhuizen
- Anna Belew
- Jeffrey Pheiff
- Joseph Lovestrand
About this book
After being dominant during about a century since its invention by Baudouin de Courtenay at the end of the nineteenth century, morpheme is more and more replaced by lexeme in contemporary descriptive and theoretical morphology.
The notion of a lexeme is usually associated with the work of P. H. Matthews (1972, 1974), who characterizes it as a lexical entity abstracting over individual inflected words. Over the last three decades, the lexeme has become a cornerstone of much work in both inflectional morphology and word formation (or, as it is increasingly been called, lexeme formation). The papers in the present volume take stock of the descriptive and theoretical usefulness of the lexeme, but also adress many of the challenges met by classical lexeme-based theories of morphology.
About Olivier Bonami
Olivier Bonami is Professor of Linguistics at Université Paris Diderot and Chair of the research unit "Laboratoire de linguistique formelle" (UMR7110 - Université Paris Diderot & CNRS). His recent research adresses a variety of issues in morphology and its interface with phonology and syntax, including inflectional classification, implicative relations, the typology of exponence, periphrasis, and paradigmatic relations in derivational morphology. His work combines formal grammar (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Paradigm Function Morphology, Information-based Morphology) and quantitative modeling of morphological systems, and applies these methods to data from typologically diverse languages.
About Gilles Boyé
Gilles Boyé is Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Université Bordeaux Montaigne and a member of the research unit "Cognition Langues Langage Ergonomie" (UMR5263 - Université de Toulouse & CNRS). He has worked extensively on the structure and morphophonology of the French inflection system. His recent research focuses on computational approaches to the description and modeling of paradigms and other morphological families.
About Georgette Dal
Georgette Dal is Professor of Linguistics at Université de Lille and member of the research unit "Savoirs, Textes, Langage" (UMR 8163 - Université de Lille & CNRS). Her research mainly deals with the use of real data in derivational morphology. Recurrent objects are productivity, creativity and emergence of new morphological patterns.
About Hélène Giraudo
Hélène Giraudo is a CNRS Researcher in Psycholinguistics and Chair of the research unit "Cognition Langues Langage Ergonomie" (UMR5263 - Université de Toulouse & CNRS). Her research focuses on the cognitive processes underlying morphological processing and adresses issues related to lexical access and the mental lexicon, the role of morphology in language acquisition, reading acquisition and bilingualism. Her work aims to model the structure and the functioning of the mental lexicon and is broadly influenced by the notion of salience in linguistics, the lexeme-based theory and the theoretical Construction Morphology framework.
About Fiammetta Namer
Fiammetta Namer is Professor of Linguistics at Université de Lorraine and member of the research unit "Analyse et Traitement Automatisé de la Langue Française" (UMR 7118 - Université de Lorraine & CNRS). Her research focuses on Word Formation in French, and covers the fields of description, theory and Natural Language Processing. It includes the study of real data from the Internet, the question of the role of paradigms in derivation with particular attention to the issue of meaning-form asymetry, and the acquisition of large-scale derivational resources for French.
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